
Women’s Sexual Reproductive Health at RISK

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The COVID 19 pandemic is greatly disrupting supply chains and impacting women’s access to sexual reproductive health and health especially in the underserved settlements  in Kenya 

These alarming numbers speak volumes. 

The unmet need for contraception is growing rapidly 

Adapted from Mama Ye, Source DHS 

Because of the COVID-19 the unmet need for contraception especially amongst the girls 15-19 years will grow from the 23% to almost double the statistics.

How will you position yourself to ensure that another pandemic of teenage pregnancy does not emerge in the country?

Health Section facilities 

  • Mathare Youth Sports Association-

Location Pin 

Services provided by- Counselling every day 

Thursdays- Contraceptives and Commodities 

AntiRetroviral therapyART- Tuesdays and Thursdays